Business services

Direction and guidance for staff on using and operating motor vehicles on department business, managing department records, the Assisted school travel program, managing overseas students, visitors and partnerships, and travelling on official business.


All staff, including contractors.

Version Date Description of changes Approved by


Under the 2023 Policy and procedure review program, new policy statement with consolidated instructions previously provided in Travel on Official Business, Assisted School Travel Program for School Students with Disability, Overseas Students and Visitors, Motor Vehicle and Records Management policies.

Executive Director, Shared Services

  1. Policy statement
    1. The department uses motor vehicles to support the transport needs of schools and department staff, including contractors, in the performance of their duties where this is the most economical, efficient and transparent use of department resources. The department operates a motor vehicle fleet in accordance with the NSW Government Travel and Transport policy and the NSW Government Motor Vehicle Operational Guidelines.
    2. The department’s records management program operates in compliance with the State Records Act and associated legislation. All records are subject to department requirements that incorporate privacy, security and access considerations.
    3. The department provides, through the Assisted school travel program, free specialised transport for eligible students with identified disability to and from Government and Non-Government schools, to access a formal education program. The department must ensure the effective and efficient management of program funding and contractor engagement. Travel arrangements under this program must be safe for students, drivers, assisted travel support officers and any student supervisors.
    4. The department welcomes overseas students and visitors into its schools for short-term visits or for longer periods to study. Schools and students must comply with the requirements outlined in Overseas students, visitors and partnerships.
    5. Staff travelling on official business must be efficient, economical and transparent in the use of department resources. This means ensuring that travel is necessary for the staff involved, and that spending is sustainable, transparent and provides value for money. Transport must be practical and arrangements cost effective. Requirements are outlined in the Travel on official business.
  2. Context
    1. The department must comply with the NSW Government Travel and Transport Policy, The NSW Government Motor Vehicles Operational Guidelines cover government requirements for department owned or leased motor vehicles, as well as use of private motor vehicles on official business.
    2. The department must comply with the State Records Act 1998 and standards issued by State Records. These requirements include department records transferred to a contracted service provider.
    3. In relation to the Assisted school travel program for eligible students with disability, the department must comply with:
    4. Schools enrolling international students are subject to the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act (Cth) and the National Code 2018. The National Guidelines for the Operation of International Secondary Student Exchange Programs in Australia (2022) (PDF 445 KB) apply to all registered student exchange organisations operating in NSW.
    5. Staff travelling on official business must:
      • Conduct all motor vehicle use in an ethical and transparent manner and comply with the department's Motor vehicle procedures and Code of conduct and consider department sustainability priorities in travel decisions and actions
      • ensure that internal controls over the use of department motor vehicles are in place, and provide adequate safeguards against corruption, maladministration, and serious and substantial waste of public money, as well as ensure their conduct and that of their staff meets the highest probity standards.
    6. The following procedures support this policy:
      • Assisted school travel program
      • Motor vehicle
      • Overseas students, visitors and partnerships
      • Records management
      • Travel on official business
  3. Policy contact
    1. Motor Vehicle
      Director, Shared Services Finance
      1300 32 32 32

      Records Management and Travel on Official Business
      Director, Shared Services, Business Services and Enablement Or log an online query
      EDConnect: 1300 32 32 32

      Assisted School Travel Program
      Director, Assisted School Travel Program
      02 4224 9209

      Overseas students and visitors
      1300 300 229 (Option 2)/0425 264 372

      International Students Program
      1300 300 229 (Option 2)

      Study Abroad Program
      Senior Study Abroad Officer
      02 9244 5018

      Temporary Residents Program
      Program Manager
      1300 300 229 (Option 1)

      Study Tours Program
      Senior Study Tours Officer
      02 8293 6910

      Secondary Student Exchange Programs
      02 8293 69822
  4. Monitoring the policy
    1. The following staff monitor the implementation of this policy, regularly review its contents to ensure relevance and accuracy, and update it as needed:
      • The Executive Director, Shared Services
      • The Executive Director, Student Support and Specialist Programs
      • The Executive Director, School Operations and Strategic Partnerships.
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